Nominees of the PIAB 2023 Awards

Every year, Peep takes part in a few art contests – so too this time. One of the events he has chosen is the PIAB Awards 2023 (Premi Internacional d'Art de Barcelona), the winners of which will be announced on Saturday, 25 November at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona.
However, it is also worth noting that this year's Awards have an online gallery by the Nominee List that includes some powerful and exciting works, in different styles, by a global selection of artists. The pieces explore many emotional themes from nature and climate crisis to lush mystery landscapes and self-growth. There will be something to see even for the more demanding taste.

Peep's artwork, "The Approachers", can be found on page 2. We would also recommend visiting page 1 for your enjoyment.

The theme of "The Approachers" (2023, see below) is that we as humans are in constant motion, approaching something. At the right moment in time, we realise that what we have been approaching is what we had been seeking all along.
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