Exhibition "Diversia: Differences - 2021"

November has turned out to be exhibition month for Peep. His artwork "The Observers" was accepted into another virtual group exhibition on the Canadian visual art platform Biafarin. Organised by their Exhibizone gallery, "Diversia: Differences - 2021" celebrates our individuality and the multitude of identities in our world that should be mixed but united.
The participating artists are mainly from the United States but their perspectives are varied, spanning from different cultures to fantasy worlds and the abstract realm. Visit "Diversia: Differences" here from November 14 to December 14, 2021. In order to see the full images with descriptions, click on the titles of each artwork.
We have more news, however. Peep has submitted his artwork "Roots" into the annual Biafarin Awards competition, and all 320 contestants are now online. This exhibition, which has been visited nearly 29,000 times already, will be open from November 15 to December 15. Check it out here.
If you enjoyed the art, please click on your favourite pieces, so that these would get more visitors. Also, there is a Review button in the bottom left corner of each artwork's data field, in case you wish to leave a rating or a review. Thank you!
Exhibition "Cancer: Never Give Up - 2021"
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