Exhibition "Synthetica and Alterica"

We are excited to announce that Peep’s artwork “The Explorer” (2024) was included in the virtual art review exhibition “Synthetica and Alterica”, by the ArtX Gallery, which studies the progressing relationship between humans and artificial intelligence.
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Exhibition "Contemporary Landscapes"

Peep's digital art has once again entered a virtual exhibition. This time, it is hosted by the Dresden-based Gallery Omnibus, which specialises in 3D collective exhibitions.
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Exhibition "Biafarin Awards – 2023"

Peep's artwork "Roots" has been selected for the Biafarin Awards virtual group exhibition for the second time in its existence. In 2021, "Roots" did not receive any of the available prizes. But, as much has changed in the world in the past two years, this is an exciting opportunity to revisit the piece in exhibition, and to contemplate its theme, the cosmic origins of human kind, versus the recent events.
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Exhibition "Femina – 2022"

Last week, it was the International Women's Day, and for this special occasion, the Canadian virtual gallery Gallerium opened a new exhibition titled "Femina – 2022". The show is inspired by the UN's dedicated message that "women of the world want and deserve an equal future, free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that is sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all".
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Exhibition "Extinction – 2021"

For Peep, the year has started with the virtual group exhibition "Extinction – 2021" at the Gallerium gallery, on the Biafarin platform (Canada). As a pressing environmental issue, the ongoing mass extinction of species has touched the hearts of many artists, who have submitted over 300 artworks to this display.
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Exhibition "Diversia: Differences - 2021"

November has turned out to be exhibition month for Peep. His artwork "The Observers" was accepted into another virtual group exhibition on the Canadian visual art platform Biafarin. Organised by their Exhibizone gallery, "Diversia: Differences - 2021" celebrates our individuality and the multitude of identities in our world that should be mixed but united.
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Instagram Down

Unfortunately, Peep's Instagram account has been closed and we have not yet been able to restore it.
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