Exhibition "Femina – 2022"

Last week, it was the International Women's Day, and for this special occasion, the Canadian virtual gallery Gallerium opened a new exhibition titled "Femina – 2022". The show is inspired by the UN's dedicated message that "women of the world want and deserve an equal future, free from stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that is sustainable, peaceful, with equal rights and opportunities for all".
In other words, apart from the feminine spirit and emotions, "Femina" also draws the viewer's attention to women's lives, aspirations, and careers, through a varied selection of artworks. Peep's featured work, "Women's Dance" (2022), is a simple black-and-white piece that symbolises the age-old rituals of women that have always brought peace and balance within their communities.
See the full show until 08 April 2022 on Gallerium's website. If you enjoy any artworks specifically, please make sure to click on these and take a closer look, so that these would get more views.
Exhibition "The New Artist"
Exhibition "ATHENS OPEN ART" 3rd June edition

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